Dear Colleagues and Friends
As it was during the last 16 years, since we had the first Conference at Dana-point, CA, it is the time for the Quantum Structure Infrared Photodetectors - QSIP community reunion, and this time in Israel. We will have the perfect blend of high level scientific presentations with lots of sightseeing in the best spots of this ancient full of history country and surely with a great weather.
As it is our legacy, the QSIP is a high level scientific Conference involving international experts in this field. It aims to bring together scientists, engineers, industrial organizations, students and users in order to discuss recent advances, and to share the “State of the Art” activities in this field. QSIP Conferences provide an international forum for attendees to present and discuss progress in infrared device physics and modeling, materials growth and processing, focal plan array development and characterization.
The Conference will explore the benefits of those technologies and clarify their role in the competitive market of thermal imaging technology. Dr. Barry F. Levine will join the conference and honor us with greetings during the opening ceremony. In addition to the presentations we will have numerous opportunities for informal interactions between all participants.
QSIP 2016 will take place mainly in the "Never Sleep" city of Tel-Aviv, Israel, June 12 –17 2016 in Crowne Plaza Hotel located right in front of the beautiful white sands beaches of the city.
The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in the south city of Beer-Sheva will be our host and ensure great conference conditions and hospitality.
For an exciting conference and lots of adventures, join us at the conference and register HERE.
Looking forward seeing you all at QSIP 2016 in Tel-Aviv Israel on June 12th 2016!
Gabby Sarusi
QSIP 2016 Chair