Dear Sponsor,
The International Society of Nutrigenetics & Nutrigenomics is holding an annual congress that attracts some of the best minds in the field of Nutrigenetics & Nutrigenomics.
The 10th International Congress on Nutrigenomics will provide a unique platform for discussing the interplay between nutrition and the genome.
The Congress target audiences are professionals in the fields of Nutritional and food Sciences; nutrition researchers, clinicians professionals in the fields of Pediatrics and neonatology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, metabolic diseases diabetes autoimmunity and more, dietitians and other health care professionals as well as researchers, scientists in areas like Biochemistry, molecular cell biology, genetics and immunology. These are the leaders in the development and practice of advanced nutrition solutions.
Access over 600 nationally and internationally professionals in the field.
Align your company with the latest trends and research
Increase your brand awareness at the exhibit hall and beyond with tabletop display, and a wide array of exposure opportunities
Attend the scientific sessions and expose yourself to the latest scientific information
We hope you will join us and be a part of the 10th Annual Congress of the International Society of Nutrigenetics & Nutrigenomics
Looking forward to seeing you in Israel!
Ram Reifen, Congress President
Zohar Kerem, Chair Organizing Committee
For more information about Supporting opportunities
Tanir Weil, Ortra Ltd. (972) 3- 638-4478