מרצי מפתח

Emmanuel Grupper

Chairman of the 34th International Congress

Chairman of the 34th International Congress of FICE International 2019.
Serves as Associate Professor at the Ono Academic College in Israel where he is deputy dean of the Faculty for Humanities. He is also leading the School of Education and Social Studies at the new Ono Campus in Haifa. On the international level, he serves as President of the International Federation of Educative Communities (FICE), chairman of its Editorial Board and the President of FICE-Israel. In addition, serves as a Board member of the International Association of Social Educators (AIEJI). Until 2012 was the Director of the Residential education and care department in the Israeli Ministry of Education. His academic work encompasses several fields where he combines his expertise and leadership position in child and youth care work, both nationally and internationally, with special focus on out-of-home education & care for children and adolescents at risk and the professionalization process of child and youth care workers. Emmanuel Grupper has published numerous research, papers and books regarding adolescents and young adults in residential education and care facilities both nationally and internationally. 

Prof. Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz

Prof. Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz (PhD) is the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the FICE 34th Congress. She is an Associate Professor at the School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 
Shalhevet is the Head of the BSW Program at the School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University. She is involved in several governmental and non-governmental committees and initiatives aiming to promote the well-being of children, in general, and children in care, In particular, in Israel. For example, she was appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Services to head the committee for consolidating the document for certificating social workers' expertise in work with children and youth. Her research focuses on child well-being and child welfare. She is especially interested in children and youth in public care. She has published extensively on children’s safety, quality of life, and psychosocial and educational adjustment in residential care.  She is also interested in issues of social support of children in residential care by their nuclear and extended family, by their peers and by the residential care staff. 

Norbert Struck

Diplom Pädagoge (* 1953). Studies of Educational Siences in Münster (1971-1976). Work in several fields of youth in care. From 1991 till 2018 speciallist officer for youth help at the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Germany (denominal welfare organization). From 2006 to 2012 chairman of the AGJ – Child and Youth Welfare Association Germany. Lives in Berlin.

Haim Omer

Haim Omer is a professor at the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel-Aviv University.  He is the author of eleven books (translated into 10 languages) and over eighty academic articles.  He has developed the model of Non-Violent Resistance and The New Authority in its application to families, schools and communities.  The model aims at increasing parental authoritativeness by strictly non-violent and positive means.  He has published many studies on the method and its applications with parents of children with externalizing disorders, anxiety disorders, juvenile delinquency, teen-drivers, violence against siblings, child-to-parent violence and school refusal.  There have been five  international conferences devoted to the method (Greenwich, Antwerp, Munich, Malmo and Tel-Aviv) and it is taught and practiced in many countries. 

Chaim Peri

Chaim Peri, Ed.D., founder of the Village Village Way Educational Initiatives, has been involved in the education of at-risk youth since the 1960's. For three decades, he served as the visionary educator and director of Yemin Orde Youth Village, where he and his team developed an educational methodology titled "the Village Way", now integrated in dozens of educational frameworks and taught in the academia. Chaim is a recipient of the State of Israel's Guardian of the Child Award and Exemplary Educator Award. He received a Doctorate of Humane Letters from Brandeis University and the international World of Children Award.
חיים פרי, נשיא מייסד של עמותת "דרך כפר – יוזמות חינוך", פעיל בשדה החינוך משנות ה-60. שימש במשך שלושה עשורים כמנהלו של כפר הנוער ימין אורד בכרמל, שם גיבש עם צוותיו תפיסת חינוך בשם "דרך כפר". תפיסה זו מיושמת בעשרות מסגרות חינוך לנוער בסיכון ונלמדת באקדמיה. על פעילותו, זכה להשיא את משואת יום העצמאות, וכן הוענקו לו אותות "מגן הילד" ו"מחנך למופת", דוקטורט לשם כבוד מטעם אוניברסיטת ברנדייס והפרס הבינלאומי מטעם ארגון "עולם הילדים". 

Rami Sulimani

Director, JDC-Ashalim

For the past 40 years, Dr. Rami Sulimani has been deeply involved in the initiation, development and dissemination of programs and knowledge relating to children, youth and young adults in situations of risk and their families.
Rami, the eldest son of immigrants from Iran, was born in the Kastina transit camp, now the city of Kiryat Malachi. He was educated at the Kannot Youth Village. Married with three children, Rami lives in Mevasseret near Jerusalem.
Prior to joining JDC, Rami was principal of the Center for Technological Education for Youth in Jerusalem, where he led and supervised JDC’s pioneering MIFNE project for marginalized youth in its first five years. In his positions over the years at JDC, Rami led development of flagship innovative programs and models that are recognized and disseminated within the education, welfare and justice systems. These include "PACT" (Parents and Children Together) for Ethiopian-Israeli children in early childhood and their families, the "Better Together" model for vulnerable children and youth in 43 impoverished neighborhoods in Israel's geo-social periphery, and the "Community Courts" model that is transforming perceptions about punishment and reducing recidivism in Israel. In recent years, Rami and lead staff in Ashalim are focused on advancing services for early childhood in Israel, especially for the infancy stage (birth to 3 years of age).  Currently, JDC-Ashalim is leading "The First Thousand Days" multi-sectoral initiative for Bedouin infants and toddlers. 
Rami holds a BA in Geography and Education, MA in Criminology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, MA in Social Sciences from the School of Political Science at Haifa University, and Ph.D. from the University of Sussex Center for Research in Education. 

Rami Benbenishty

Professor emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at Bar Ilan University, Israel

Rami Benbenishty is a Professor emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at Bar Ilan University, Israel. He got his Ph.D. in Social Work and Psychology from the University of Michigan. 

His main areas of interest are the safety, welfare, and wellbeing of children around the world. He is studying children and youth both in community normative settings, such as schools, and in out of home placements, such as foster homes and residential care. He investigates and tries to improve decision processes that lead to referral to protective services, removal of children from their biological families, and their reunification thereafter. 

With his colleague, Prof. Anat Zeira from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem he has led multiple studies on youths and young adults in care and after leaving care. Their work is having impact on the policies and services developed for care leavers. 

Benbenishty has developed a conceptual, methodological, and technological framework for monitoring processes and outcomes in human services. This framework was implemented in foster care services in the US and is being utilized to monitor school violence and climate in schools, districts, and at the national level. 

With his colleague, Ron Avi Astor from USC, he is studying multiple aspects of school climate and victimization. They have conducted a series of studies that examined school violence from an ecological perspective. The insights gained from this work contributed to an ecological theory of school violence in evolving contexts and to consultation with several educational systems around the world. 

Dr. Benbenishty's work has been recognized in Israel and abroad. He received Israel's EMET prize, and the Society for Social Work Research Distinguished Career Achievement Award. Recently he became a fellow of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare.

Vered Windman

Executive Director of the Israel National council for the Child (NCC)

Vered Windman is the Executive Director of the Israel National council for the Child (NCC). She is a lawyer and holds a Master in Law (LLB) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Ms. Windman is also a Fulbright Hubert H. Humphrey Alumna (University of Minnesota School of Law).
Ms. Windman has been working at the NCC for the past 19 years in different positions, such as Deputy Director and Senior Legal Advisor.
Ms. Windman is also a Lecturer at the School of Social Work at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and has been a Co-Director of the Law Clinic on child victims’ Rights at the Interdisciplinary Center, School of Law, Herzliya.
Ms. Windman published numerous articles on Child Victim’s Rights and served as a member of public and advisory committees on Child Victims’ Rights, Juvenile Justice Reform, Children’s Rights in Sports and more.
Ms. Windman is also a Board member of ‘Bizchut’, the Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities.

Prof. Mona Khoury-Kassabri

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Mona Khoury-Kassabri  is the Dean of the Paul Baerwald 
School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University 
of Jerusalem. She is also the Advisor for Minorities Affairs to Hebrew 
University President, and the Head of the University Steering Committee for Accessibility to Higher Education among Arab Students. 
Prof. Khoury-Kassabri is the head of the committee appointed to examine the Hebrew University diversity policy which of part of the Israeli Present’s initiative “Israeli Hope in the Academia”.  
She is a member of the Israel Young Academy and the Global Young Academy.
Her research evolves around issues related to child and youth welfare. She is especially interested in the area of children and youth at risk for becoming perpetrators and victims of violent and delinquent acts. 
She was a Visiting Professor at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work University of Toronto for two, non-subsequent, academic years, between the years 2011-2012 and 2016-2017. Together with Prof. Mishna, the Dean of the Faculty,  they study youth involvement in cyberbulling in Canada and in Israel.

Yuval Elbashan

Ono's Dean of the Faculty of Law

Prof. Yuval Elbashan is Ono's Dean of the Faculty of Law, which is Israel's largest law faculty.  He joined Ono, first as faculty and then as Dean of Social Development responsible for managing the institution as a multicultural campus, responsible for the development and management of the institution's social initiatives and the structuring of social responsibility as part and parcel of the professionalism of the institution's students in all areas of study (law, accounting, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, health professions, management and business administration and music). 

Prof. Elbashan is an Israeli author, community lawyer, respected academic and esteemed social activist with record of grass roots and entrepreneurial establishment of programs dedicated to social justice. He served as both Senior Lecturer at the Hebrew University Faculty of Law and Director of Citizen Rights Centers of YEDID – The Association for Community Empowerment. He is the author of nine books – including a book of poems "Yesterday Finished trimming the bushes" (1994), " Strangers in the Realm of the Law" – the access to justice in Israel (2005) a novel "Forever Flora" (Yedioth Books, 2009) which won critical acclaim and sold over 35,000 copies to date; a children's book "Peanut the mouse and the cruel glue" ( 2010); a novel for young people of all ages "Sifu – Unfinished Story" (2011) and the novel "The Masada Case." He served from 1987 as an officer in elite unit of the Israeli Intelligence Corps and is now a major in the IDF reserves. Prof. Elbashan served as an advisor to Israel Defense Ministers Amir Peretz and Ehud Barak on social issues. Contributing editor to Ma'ariv's weekly column dedicated to social issues. He established and directed the Human Rights Unit at the Academic College of Law and the Clinical Center for Social Responsibility and Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He earned a LL.B in Law from Tel Aviv University and an LL.M in Law from the Hebrew University, both with highest honors.

Tuhinul Islam Khalil

As a Forester by initial training, working in the forestry and climate change field, Dr Tuhinul Khalil decided to change the course of his career, through a chance visit to a slum dwelling children’s education centre in a deprived area in Bangladesh. He met children who made him realise the importance of being allowed an education, care and equality, irrespective of ones’ social position.


Tuhin has over 24 years of experience in leadership, operational, strategic management, policy development; teaching and research. He has worked with several international development organization and universities including UNICEF, Save the Children, Plan International, Action Aid, TdH Netherland, BRAC and Strathclyde University, University of East Anglia and University of Edinburgh.


With a PhD in Child and Youth Care and International Development, MA in International Child and Youth Care and MBA in Human Resource Management, Tuhin has worked in Asia, Africa and Europe in the field child welfare management; education and wellbeing; orphan and orphanage; faith-based child care; brothels; sex workers; refugee and migrant children; violence against women; healthcare; social protection; alternative livelihood; and emergencies.


Currently Tuhin is Head of Programmes, Knowledge and Development at Muntada Aid – a UK based Africa focused development INGO, operating in 36 countries around the globe, serving over 100000 children and youth in care through its Education and Child Welfare Programme. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at University of Edinburgh. He has preferred to work within NGOs, education and research organizations together in order to have a better understanding of the issues affecting children and their families thus to bridge the gap between academia, practitioner organizations and policy-makers in order to strengthen the rights of children.


Tuhin is co-editing a 5 volume book series on, ‘Residential Child and Youth Care in the Developing World’ as principle editor which portrays issues of child and youth care, displacement; war victims, migration; education, poverty and livelihood issues situated in 86 countries. The series is made up of: Volume 1: Global Perspectives - published in August 2016. Volume 2: European Perspectives and Volume 3: Middle East and Asia Perspectives - published in April 2017 and April 2018 respectively. Volume 4: African Perspectives and Volume 5: Canadian Perspectives are due to be published by April 2019 and June 2019 respectively. The series has already stimulated much discussion about the continuing development of residential care in different parts of the world and where the future of residential care services might lead. The series call for "a multi-dimensional approach that replaces simplistic de-institutionalisation strategies."

Prof. Tova Hartman

Dean of Humanities at Ono Academic College

Tova Hartman is the Dean of Humanities at Ono Academic College, the largest private college in Israel.  With over 15,000 students  on several campuses, Ono seeks to make higher education accessible to all communities in Israel, especially to those marginal groups for whom higher education had previously not been an option.  


Tova’s last book, Are You Not a Man of God?: Devotion, Betrayal, and Social Criticism in Jewish Tradition (Oxford), brought feminist theory and relational psychology to bear on Jewish theology and culture. Her prior book, Feminism Encounters Jewish Tradition: Resistance and Accommodation (Brandeis), won a National Jewish Book Award.  Her first book, Appropriately Subversive: Modern Mothers in Traditional Religions (Harvard), based on her doctoral thesis under Carol Gilligan, was a comparative study of the experiences of traditional Catholic and Jewish women as mothers and as agents of socialization in their communities and cultures. This brought her into the world of interfaith research and social action, where she maintains a vital presence as a speaker and teacher at conferences relating to scholarship, religion, and social change.  Tova is one of the founders of Shira Hadasha in Jerusalem, the first Orthodox “partnership” synagogue.  She continues to publish scholarly and popular articles and speaks regularly at a diverse range of venues across North America, Europe, and Israel.She is currently completing a book on male trauma and shame.

H.E. Jean-Daniel Ruch

Ambassador of Switzerland in Israel


H.E. Ambassador Jean-Daniel Ruch is the Ambassador of Switzerland to Israel. He was previously the Ambassador of Switzerland to the Republic of Serbia and to Montenegro (2012-2016) and the Special Representative of Switzerland for the Middle East (2008-2012). He also served as the Political Advisor to the Prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (2003-2007).


Ambassador Ruch will talk about multiculturalism and the Swiss educational system. In his talk, he is going to explain Switzerland’s dualistic educational system and its role in integrating people from different cultural backgrounds into Swiss society. A special emphasis will be put on the role of Switzerland’s system of vocational education and training (VET). This system enables young people to enter the labor market and ensures that there are enough skilled workers and managers in the future. It has a high labor market relevance and is an integral part of the education system. Two-thirds of all young people coming out of compulsory education in Switzerland enroll in vocational education and training, which provides them with a solid foundation in a given occupation (there are around 230 occupations to choose from). This system forms the basis for lifelong learning and opens up a wide range of job prospects. Most vocational education training programs include a part-time classroom courses at a vocational school and a part-time worklplace training at a host company. More and more countries are taking an interest in this model, which is an effective tool for combating unemployment. Switzerland’s unemployment rate has been below 4% for over 20 years and is currently just at 2,1% (July 2019). The good health of Switzerland’s economy overall is due in particular to the quality of the VET system, because it is specifically geared to labor market needs. Ambassador Ruch will also explain how the Swiss culture of regarding non-academic labor as equally valuable is a necessary requirement for the VET system’s success in general and for its capability to integrate people from different cultural backgrounds into the Swiss labor market and into Swiss society in particular.


Ambassador Ruch will talk about multiculturalism and the Swiss educational system. In his talk, he is going to explain Switzerland’s dualistic educational system and its role in integrating people from different cultural backgrounds into Swiss society. A special emphasis will be put on the role of Switzerland’s system of vocational education and training (VET). This system enables young people to enter the labor market and ensures that there are enough skilled workers and managers in the future. It has a high labor market relevance and is an integral part of the education system. Two-thirds of all young people coming out of compulsory education in Switzerland enroll in vocational education and training, which provides them with a solid foundation in a given occupation (there are around 230 occupations to choose from). This system forms the basis for lifelong learning and opens up a wide range of job prospects. Most vocational education training programmes include  a part-time class-room courses at a vocational school and a part-time workplace training at a host company. More and more countries are taking an interest in this model, which is an effective tool for combating unemployment. Switzerland’s unemployment rate has been below 4% for over 20 years and is currently just at 2,1% (July 2019). The good health of Switzerland’s economy overall is due in particular to the quality of the VET system, because it is specifically geared to labor market needs. Ambassador Ruch will also explain how the Swiss culture of regarding non-academic labor as equally valuable is a necessary requirement for the VET system’s success in general and for its capability to integrate people from different cultural backgrounds into the Swiss labor market and into Swiss society in particular.