Professional Tours

Wine Route - Vineyard Cultivation, Barkan Winery

Prof. Aaron Fait - The challenges of viticulture in a semiarid to arid climate


Barkan Winery

Afforestation - Eshtaol Nursery, Martyrs’ Forest


KKL-JNF Tree and Plant Nurseries
Martyrs' Forest

Ancient Agriculture - Neot Kdumim, Spices and Herbs, The Seven Species Tour


Neot Kdumim

Agriculture in Arid Regions - Wastewater Treatment Facility, Date Palm Orchard, floating in the Dead Sea


Dead Sea - Kalia Beach

Root-to-Shoot Functional Phenotyping Center at the Faculty of Agriculture and Grafting Vegetables at the Hishtil Nursery



Center of Plant Physiolomic
Hishtil Nursery

Roots in action - Tel-Aviv University Botanical Garden, Large-Scale Aeroponics System 


ARO - Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center
Tel Aviv University Botanical Garden